In response to: Full Tilt Poker Revamps Software

Well, I tried to follow the link, but I couldn't find the story. I'm not sure about adding antes to the rings has anything to do with improving the online experience, I do see it increasing the rake for the site though & if they are thinking of putting them on the lower limits as well...I can see there being a drop off in traffic there!!! This is no different than taxing everyone at the table on every hand...Now if they are talking about implementing ante's in all mtt's...well that would be different, that'll help move tournaments along quicker and won't increase the take by the for sync'ing the breaks, ya thats nice So southside, if you could get the whole story or answer this question, that would help.... good story ty!
Posted by PF_Jeff on 05/04/2009 11:47AM

Maybe it's part of the economic stimulous?

Posted by mothersquatch on 05/04/2009 4:03PM

Well this isn't stimulating me to play there!

Posted by ilovedapokerz on 05/05/2009 2:05PM

LOL @ ms, crazy, they want more money? They're going to be the largest rake takers on the planet.