In response to: $10 Instant Free Bonus at BetMost - No Deposit Necessary as part of DUSOP promotion

vlady002 Silver 3
4696d ago

hh, i just lose 70 % of my bankroll play this Hu , maybe after some game wich i win i get boring and don't play my best poker ! or really the "dealer" wanna kill me !

so after some game ( 20 hu play ) i stop play because i don't see this a good way to grow your bankroll ! for that prize of 2000 $ doesn't worth to lose all my money . . .  i made some calculations and i was astonished when i see how much money can bring one tournament like this ! :)) . so the prize of $ 2.000 isn;t a fair one ! the prize must be at least  5.000 $ ! in the prize is 5.000 $ i've see him a good opportunity to win some good $$$$$ !