In response to: PokerForum $300 Freeroll Registration(10/07/2011)

atula7 Silver 1
4671d ago

Nickname: DiachoMazzi

Posted by mothersquatch on 07/07/2011 12:36PM

7 words in 5 you think that's worth a ticket for a tournament? PI members have to play poker for a couple of hours to earn this same ticket (depending on what level they play at). Why not just pick one post a day spend 5 mins thinking of a substantive reply or you could find a story of your own to start a thread? Please don't take this as a personal attack on anyone, many others do the same. I just wanted to give everyone a different way of contributing to this forum. I understand not everyone has the time to research topics the way I do, but it would be nice to have someone other than PitBoss to exchange with!